The Lions of Gallipoli – 1965 aka Canakkale Arslanlari
The Lions of Gallipoli – 1965 aka Çanakkale Arslanlari
aka The Lions of Canakkale
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English dubbed
The Cannakkale war is the beginning of the independence war and done with the strongest agreement in the world. In Canakkale not only Turkey's history but the world's history was changed. On the 18th of March, the effort of the battle ship to cross the bosphorus of Canakkale was over. The entente states navy lost too much and after 38 days when the 25th of April came they started the land war. The unity ordered by Mustafa Kemal stopped the occupation forces in Conk slope. This Victory became the awakening of our nation. Canakkale is the borning of one nation. The spirit of struggle which started the independence war was born in Canakkale and the seed of national fight became green in Canakkale.